Burning Wolf
You see lean times approaching you? I help you to burn what makes you unround. Burning down is the online training program that redefines your body in 12 weeks. Targeted training in lipid metabolism with simultaneous bodyshaping gives you new shape and contour. You eat and train according to the instructions of the trainer of top top athletes worldwide and reduce body fat by building muscle mass moderately. A sharp thing!
- 12 weeks online training program tailor-made to your specifications
- Endurance training
- Strength training, Core
- Nutrition plan
€ 980,00
Power Wolf
Forge your body as long as the iron is hot! Muscle gain and power gain are your goals and my mission. Take it in your hands and grow controlled and sustainable, natural and straight. The Leitwolf makes you a package: from aesthetic and defined musculature, wolfstrong circulation and healthy mind. Bodybuilding, Bodystyling, Bodyshaping or Cross Fit – I’m your personal coach!
- 12 weeks Individual online plan for strength training with your personal goals
- Endurance training
- Nutrition plan
- Supplement plan
€ 980,00
Long Distance Wolf
You dive into the feeling of running towards the horizon – endless space and freedom in you and around you. Your body works at a high level, is enduring and hard-wearing. You decide the distance and the discipline – I am your Pacemaker, whether your legs wear running shoes and a marathon has been on your radar for a long time or if you prefer to sit in the saddle of your bike.
- Tailored 12 week online training plan for your endurance training
- Purposeful preparation for your competition
- Planning your accompanying strength training
- Nutrition plan
€ 1.480,00
Personal Performance Coaching
The one to one is the king of personal coaching disciplines. The Leitwolf is personally available for your ambitious training goals.
- Personal conversation
- Individual targeting according to your time budget and your specifications
- High end training plan and nutrition plan
- Personal coaching with the Leitwolf
€ by arrangement